Sunday, January 10, 2010

Old Friends

Facebook brought people back into my life recently that I hadn't heard from in years.

Many had been in my Sunday school classes in various churches. With Les's railroad job, we moved many times since we wed.

Others are among friends, and what great people they are! That's the joy of changing your environment often. Moving gives you the opportunity to enlarge your circle.

Some that I've connected with were teen-agers and a few were children when I saw them last. But they were interested in connecting with me, and what a privilege! They grown up to be fine specimens, and they are examples of what a difference it makes when you give your life to Jesus.

Critical people have told me over the years they believe non-Christians are better at relationships than Christians. I laugh at that. I've met some of the greatest people on earth among the hundreds of Christians we fellowshiped with in Colorado, Utah and Missouri. Perhaps a few rotten potatoes surfaced, but I'd estimate you can't ask for a better friend than 98 percent of these people. Yes, they were quite ordinary in most ways. Very few were rich or famous. They probably had a few flaws, but they wanted to be a "vessel of honor" and many were close to pure gold.

That gives me a little glimpse of what Heaven will be like. From what I can tell most of my friends are going there. What a time we're going to have!

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