Sunday, September 29, 2013

ARE YOU PRAYING FOR SOMEONE WHO NEEDS JESUS? Encouragement from author June Foster


Jess Colton gave his life to the Lord but failed to surrender an old habit. Fueled by alcohol, he spent the night with a former girlfriend, ignoring his Christian principles. Convicted of his wrong doing, he quit drinking but discovered another addiction. Now he can't manage his life as his weight soars and diabetes threatens to claim him. Jess is baffled when the beautiful Holly Harrison declares her love.
            Holly Harrison lived  to please herself. But everything changed when a deadly motorcycle accident altered her life forever. Nowhere else to turn, she looked to God for answers. Now, she's convinced no Christian man would find her attractive. She doesn’t plan on falling in love with  the handsome Jess Colton, seeing past his bulk to the godly, tender man within. When Jess drives a wedge between them, she loses hope of a future together.

            Can Holly overcome her handicap? Does Jess find control over his eating and his life? Only God can provide the answers.


Is there anyone in your life - friend or family - that you'd love to see come to salvation? Have you been praying for this person for what seems like forever, and sometimes you ask God if He really hears your prayers? I have. And I'd like to encourage you. Don't give up.

Let's see what God's word says. First of all, He wants everyone and that means the person you're praying for, to come to Christ. 11Peter3:9 says "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." Just as He waited until you were ready to receive Him, He's waiting to save your friend or loved one when they are, and He absolutely wants them to enter into His Kingdom.

Have you been praying with someone else for that person's salvation? Matthew 18:19 says "If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." I know - God doesn't violate a person's free will and force them to receive salvation, but I'd say that agreement in prayer sounds like a powerful tool in seeking God.

Now Acts 16:31 says "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household." Again, that's no guarantee that another will be saved. But still, this statement is in the Bible and worth considering. If that person you're praying for is a member of your family, I'd take this verse to heart. To me it indicates that there is a good possibility other people in your family will be saved when or after you do.

11Timothy 3:16 says "All scripture is God-breathed." This means it comes from God's own mouth. So if God says something in the Word, we can trust it as truth. Pray for the person who's on your heart and remind God what He says in His word. I believe when you storm Heaven in this way, your loved one doesn't stand a chance to hide from God for long. I've seen it more than once in my own life

June Foster is a retired teacher with a BA in Education and a MA in counseling. June has written four novels for Desert Breeze Publishing. The Bellewood Series, Give Us This Day – February 1, 2012, As We Forgive – September 1, 2012, and Deliver Us – April 1, 2013, and Hometown Fourth of July – July 1, 2012. June's book, Ryan's Father, will be available from WhiteFire Publishing January 2014. For All Eternity, Red and the Wolf, and Misty Hollow, God willing, will be published in the near future. June loves to write stories about characters who overcome the issues in their lives by the power of God and His Word. June uses her training in counseling and her Christian beliefs in creating characters who find freedom to live godly lives.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


One Christian Author’s Journey
By Nikki Arana

I first accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was twelve years old. It was completely an act of my own volition, but at twelve it was more about what was in it for me. I was going to Heaven!

As I journeyed on, the Holy Spirit continued to draw me, gently teaching me the bittersweet lessons that inspire spiritual growth: A marriage my parents didn’t approve of, but one that God blessed mightily; then the birth of my first son, born with a learning disability; then financial ruin. Hard lessons, but each worth the cost because they brought me closer to the Lord and made His words, “I will never leave you or forsake you,” a living truth in my life.

That marriage, disdained by my parents, is now thirty-seven years old . . . and my husband has become their caregiver. The beautiful boys birthed from it are grown and have successful lives. The financial hardships we endured are now fading. But the Holy Spirit continues to draw me deeper into intimacy with Christ. Just as He chose me before the foundation of the world, so I find He has ordered my life according to the good pleasure of His will. I understand now that my life experiences were the seeds of my books. The Winds of Sonoma, a telling of the story of how I met and married my husband. A I Have Loved You, the record of my first son’s struggle and triumph.

A few years ago the Lord orchestrated circumstances that inspired me anew. I became an activist in the Christian underground, and He gave me a ministry to Muslims here in America called A Voice for the Persecuted. Most American Christians know little of the Islamic agenda being carried out in the United States, or the terrible persecution Muslims who convert to Christianity face from their families, even when they live in this country. I passionately believe that now is the time to make this story known. That is what you will find between the covers of The Next Target. Not only a suspenseful novel about an ordinary woman who had to answer the question – Would you share your faith if it would cost you your life? – but what does it mean to follow the call God has on your life, how far are you willing to go to be obedient to the commandment to “Love one another. As I have loved you . . . ” And how will you respond to the Muslims who live and work among us?

My books have won many international awards, and I am often asked if I believe God called me to write. Over the years I have learned it isn't about a call to write, it is about intimacy with Him. It is about letting your dreams die and being willing to live out His dreams for you. It is about spiritual growth that has nothing to do with the writing itself. It has to do with the journey. It has to do with sanctification, being set apart for His purposes, realizing that you are not meant to serve God, you are meant for God to serve man through you. I no longer wonder if He has called me to write. I know He hasn't. He has called me to intimacy with Him. Everything else is just the fruit of that relationship.

Would You Share Your Faith If It Would Cost You Your Life?  

It only took one bullet. Austia's friend and student fell dead. And with a glimpse of a newspaper headline, the young and recently widowed Austia knows more about what happened than the police. From that fatal night, Austia’s secret outreach to the U.S. Muslim community—in the guise of English language classes—becomes a target. Local Muslim extremists set their sights on ending her ministry and even her life. And the women she ministers to will be next.
A thick web of deceit closes in around Austia, and her circle of friends becomes smaller by the day, even as she finally opens herself to the idea of falling in love again. But who can she trust? Facing a spiritual battle that proves more treacherous than it at first seemed, Austia’s convictions are tested to their limits and her heart becomes primed for breaking. She must ask herself: how much she will risk to stay true to her herself, her faith, and to the lives of the women she serves?

Nikki Arana is an award-winning author of suspense, women’s fiction, essays, poetry, and magazine articles whose work has been published in the United States and Canada. She has won several national awards, including The Carol Award - twice, and the Beacon Award. Her book, The Winds of Sonoma was named One of the Top 20 Books of the Year by Nikki is also the recipient of the Excellence in Media Silver Angel Award. All of her books deal with social, political, and spiritual issues that confront society today. She is an experienced speaker and has presented numerous, highly successful workshops on the craft of writing. Nikki also serves persecuted Christians who are under the threat of death through her ministry, A Voice for the Persecuted. Her newest release, The Next Target, was inspired by her ministry and recently won the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s 2013 Christian Book Award for Fiction. You can visit her website here: or connect with her on her blog:  or as Nikki Arana, Author on Facebook.

Nikki Arana won the Gold Medallion logo given by the Evangelical Christian Publisher for the 2013 Christian Book Award for Fiction. More about that here: )

Friday, September 20, 2013

Teaming up with Jesus: Author Angela Strong

Let’s Do This

By Angela Strong

In my most recent novel, I have an elderly Hispanic character who always ends her prayers with, “In Jesus’ name, let’s do this.” My main character is a little taken aback, but the hero explains that Mama Rosa doesn’t believe in praying for things that you aren’t willing to work for. Then he gives the example of how he prayed for God to help him with finances after he blew all his money on a motorcycle.
Now, I’ve never bought a motorcycle, but I’m guilty of doing this very thing. Perhaps that is why the following verse speaks to me.
“In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.” –Matthew 6:14-15
God is always for us. He gives us everything we need including his laws to protect us. When we pray for something that we aren’t willing to work for, it’s like asking God to keep us dry then stepping out from under his umbrella.
I heard a sermon once that took the perspective that God didn’t take away the “thorn” in Paul’s flesh because perhaps he’d already given Paul everything he needed to take care of it himself. This sermon came the weekend when we were trying to decide whether to go out of state for a third Achilles surgery for my husband. People at church often surrounded us and prayed for healing—some even going so far as to suggest that my husband didn’t have enough faith to be healed. But when we heard this sermon, we knew we were supposed to make the trip.
The surgery was an answer to prayer. A specialist from Boston just happened to be available to help with the surgery, Jim got the care he needed, and the whole hospital stay was covered. After two years of dealing with the injury, I would call this a miracle.

God has given a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. I love this. Because of God, and only because of God, I have the ability to make good choices and find healing and pursue dreams. That’s what a relationship with the Lord brings. We are a team. So in Jesus’ name, let’s do this.

Bethany Light, a minister's daughter, can’t forgive her father for running off with the church secretary. She goes to her own pastor for counsel, never expecting to fall in love with him. To make matters worse, she’s personal training his fiancé in preparation for the big day and somehow ends up in their wedding.
Refusing to make the same mistake her dad made, Bethany tries to focus on fixing her family rather than face her own issues. How could a household that used to have it all together have fallen so far from grace? And how can she keep from following in her father’s footsteps when it feels so right?

Angela Ruth Strong sold her first article in high school and went on to study journalism at the University of Oregon. She currently lives in Idaho with her husband and three children where she writes for Idaho Family Journal. Angela's debut novel LOVE FINDS YOU IN SUN VALLEY, IDAHO received a four-star review from Romantic Times Magazine, and she is currently working on the sequel to LIGHTEN UP. When not writing, Angela teaches aerobics, coaches her kids in sports, and adventures throughout the Great Northwest. She'd love to have you visit her at where she gets a lot more personal about the way God's love changed her life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Book review of The Next Target

Note: On Sept. 25 Nikki Arana will be a guest on this blog. In anticipation, here is my review of the book, The Next Target. 

I was reluctant to start this book. It presents a challenge that gets to the core of the world today, and a mission field that can be dangerous.
Austia, the main female character, teaches an English as a Second Language class in her community and many of her students are Muslim women. She becomes friends with some.
“It isn’t a love for the Muslims that drives me to serve them,” Austia says. “It’s my  love for Him” (meaning Jesus). “We have to look for opportunities to model Christ’s love to them.”
 What makes this an exceptional novel is the author, Nikki Arana. She says she felt called to reach out to Muslims who live and work among us and to be a vessel to give them what Islam can never give. But she wondered what good it would do to give them the gospel only to have them murdered. So she became involved in helping former Muslim women in Egypt who became Christians find safe houses. Within two years, all were dead so Nikki turned her focus to America.
Notice her book’s dedication: “To Hasna, who lives in the basement of an abandoned building in downtown Los Angeles. Rats often wake her from her sleep. She is a fugitive. Hunted day and night because she has committed a capital offense. She is a follower of Jesus Christ.”

The Next Target begins with a murder of a young Muslim female convert to Christianity. Although the book is fiction, it opens our eyes to the need to pray for laborers in the harvest field. We also need to pray for those who accept Jesus Christ as Savior. He came to earth, lived among us, died and rose again, to give anyone who accepts His love and turns from sin abundant life here and eternal life forever and ever.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Set free from the trauma of abuse

By Kelly Liberto

Mimicking the photographer’s hand motion,  I pushed an errant hair from my face.  The restorative spring breeze held my self conscious thoughts at bay. Instead, for the moment, I watched my family giggle and mug for the camera.
Why did I want a family portrait after so many years and with three out of  five hating the idea?
For me, it is a symbolic gesture of saying goodbye to the last thirty years of my life. I gave up a career to raise my girls, and they are grown now as you can see. Of course, a mother does not ever stop “mothering.” That would be like telling Sylvester Stallone to stop flexing.
But, a very clear indicator of your time ending is when they are moving out.  Daughter number two is living in Philly and I’m sure daughter number one will soon follow. It is the nature of things. Daughter number three is an extravert, through and through, so, we hardly find her at home anymore.
Yes, I know, it’s cliche to say, “where did the time go?” But, some truths just never change…..
There were so many years when I itched to have more time to myself. I strained against the monotony of life’s routine with three growing girls. BUT, and it’s a big one~ for the most part, I thoroughly enjoyed raising three strong, unique girls.
OH, you want to talk about suspense? My goodness, girls and their escapades…their ability to want to see how far they can go to test your love. It’s all growing pains. Not for them, but, for me.
What have they taught me? Well, the oldest, who is basically a sweetheart acting all tough in her five foot princess body, has the heart of a lion. She endured so much emotional trauma through my cancer, and the loss of two of my pregnancies. She is the kind of woman who sticks out the hard stuff with grace and courage.
Our middle daughter is a gentle lamb. That’s what her name means. And, she is another one who attempts to hide her big soft heart behind a “kind of” tough facade of sarcasm. Anyone can see right through it though. She’s VERY creative. And, has a compassion for hurting people and animals. You know the kind of person that can see through the junk and cuts through it with one well turned phrase? Well, that’s our middle daughter.
Now the youngest is still a teen. She is a giggler and a peer counselor for her friends. She loves God. So much in fact that you can hear her pray out loud at night for everyone she loves and for some who she may even NOT love too much at the time. She’s the kind of kid that reaches out to the lost and hurting kids and sometimes adults, that she knows.
And, she loves to sing, dance and laugh.
How’s that for a triple threat?
Which brings me to my” Now” phase in life. I am writing.
Not that I have not previously written. Except I now work on  writing  six  hours a day instead of an occasional hour here and there.
It IS a lonely pursuit. But, I believe a holy one.
That might sound arrogant. But, I know it is holy and ordained by God because I could not be doing it, if it were not for the help and the provision He has given to me.
And, in the end, it is all for Him anyway.
What a comfort that thought has been to me through the ups and downs over the years. Through the awana clubs, art shows, horse back riding lessons, track meets, science projects (Ugh, I won’t be missing them! lol..) cheerleading performances.
Through the broken hearts from the mean girls and the cute boys who did not share the same affections, the girls survived. They did! And, somehow, the Lord allowed me to play a part in it.
My friend, motherhood truly, truly is the highest calling. If you remember one thing about me, know this, I love being a mom. Another truth about me is that I love a good story of suspense. So, after reading a bit about me, I hope you will join me on the next adventure~ wherever the wind might lead.


With gut wrenching honesty, Kelly details how the trauma from sexual abuse leads her into a quest for deliverance from the onset of fear from the abuse. In this book, you will read the secret of being set free, for when you are freed by the truth, you are free indeed!


From church sanctuaries to the executive board meeting room of a local fortune 500 company, Kelly has shared her inspirational tales of God's miraculous power in her life. She enjoys seeing others encouraged by hearing how she conquered the obstacles of cancer and sexual abuse in her life. Her story is now available in paperback. Sweet Freedom With a Slice of Peach Cobbler is available on kindle at
Kelly was miraculously healed from cancer in 2001. "Kelly's Miracle" a full length television show was produced for a public access t.v. program called The Total Picture in New Jersey. The show details how God healed Kelly from cancer in her liver in three months.
You may now watch Kelly's Miracle on youtube ~

Friday, September 13, 2013


By James R. Callan

A Rose by any other name –

- would still have thorns.  What’s in a name?  If it’s the name of one of your characters, it could be important. The right name can point the reader in the direction you choose.

Years ago, I hate to admit, I would pull down an old phone directory, open it at random, and grab a name.  Or maybe I’d get the first name from one entry and the last name from another.  I put no thought into what impression I wanted to give. Suppose Margaret Mitchell had named her protagonist Jane Smith? Would we have started with a different mental image than we did when we read about Scarlett O’Hara?

Consider the names used by J.K. Rowling in her immensely successful Harry Potter books.  Sirius Black, Ron Wesley, Griphook, Nymphadora Tonks, Draco Malfoy. She didn’t find those in my telephone book. Nor did they just pop off her tongue. She obviously put in some time to select just the right name for the character. Harry Potter? She wanted a rather ordinary name for Harry, not only as a contrast to the others, but also to match his perception of himself.

You can select a name that compliments some characteristic of your character. Ian Fleming named his antagonist in The Richest Man in the World Auric Goldfinger.  Matt Baron, principal character in Jory Sherman’s Grass Kingdom has many of the qualities we associate with a baron.  Donn Taylor’s book Deadly Additive has a character named Brinkman, who operates on the brink.  Was that name an accident?  I doubt it.

This attention to names should also apply to the names of fictitious places. Sometimes, the name can be a contrast to the character or place.  David Balcacci in his book Divine Justice names a town “Divine” to contrast to the true nature of the place.

If you are writing historical novels, where do you get good names?  Forget the phone book.  There may not have been phones then.  But, the U.S. Social Security Administration maintains a website that will give you the most popular names for babies born in each year since 1879.  The URL for the site is:  It lists the top 500 names for boys and the top 500 names for girls for each year.  You can also elect to get those names by state.

Another site, , will give you the meanings and origins of names. They’ll also provide names by categories, such as “old lady names,” or “billionaire names.”  And there is if you want a more British name.

If it seems appropriate for your book, you can simply make up a name.  And anything goes.  I read only yesterday of a man whose first name was Dependent.  And actress Shannyn Sossamon’s son was named Audio Science.  Frank Zappa named his daughter Moon Unit.  There are no limits.

So, what will you name your characters?  It’s your choice.  All I’m suggesting is that you give some serious thought to selecting names for your characters and places. Don’t just grab a name and go with it. Consider what first impression the reader will get from the name. Consider what feeling throughout the book the reader will have from the name you chose.

And remember the advice from Proverbs: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches…”A Rose by any other name –

- would still have thorns.  What’s in a name?  If it’s the name of one of your characters, it could be important. The right name can point the reader in the direction you choose.

Years ago, I hate to admit, I would pull down an old phone directory, open it at random, and grab a name.  Or maybe I’d get the first name from one entry and the last name from another.  I put no thought into what impression I wanted to give. Suppose Margaret Mitchell had named her protagonist Jane Smith? Would we have started with a different mental image than we did when we read about Scarlett O’Hara?

Consider the names used by J.K. Rowling in her immensely successful Harry Potter books.  Sirius Black, Ron Wesley, Griphook, Nymphadora Tonks, Draco Malfoy. She didn’t find those in my telephone book. Nor did they just pop off her tongue. She obviously put in some time to select just the right name for the character. Harry Potter? She wanted a rather ordinary name for Harry, not only as a contrast to the others, but also to match his perception of himself.

You can select a name that compliments some characteristic of your character. Ian Fleming named his antagonist in The Richest Man in the World Auric Goldfinger.  Matt Baron, principal character in Jory Sherman’s Grass Kingdom has many of the qualities we associate with a baron.  Donn Taylor’s book Deadly Additive has a character named Brinkman, who operates on the brink.  Was that name an accident?  I doubt it.

This attention to names should also apply to the names of fictitious places. Sometimes, the name can be a contrast to the character or place.  David Balcacci in his book Divine Justice names a town “Divine” to contrast to the true nature of the place.

If you are writing historical novels, where do you get good names?  Forget the phone book.  There may not have been phones then.  But, the U.S. Social Security Administration maintains a website that will give you the most popular names for babies born in each year since 1879.  The URL for the site is:  It lists the top 500 names for boys and the top 500 names for girls for each year.  You can also elect to get those names by state.

Another site, , will give you the meanings and origins of names. They’ll also provide names by categories, such as “old lady names,” or “billionaire names.”  And there is if you want a more British name.

If it seems appropriate for your book, you can simply make up a name.  And anything goes.  I read only yesterday of a man whose first name was Dependent.  And actress Shannyn Sossamon’s son was named Audio Science.  Frank Zappa named his daughter Moon Unit.  There are no limits.

So, what will you name your characters?  It’s your choice.  All I’m suggesting is that you give some serious thought to selecting names for your characters and places. Don’t just grab a name and go with it. Consider what first impression the reader will get from the name. Consider what feeling throughout the book the reader will have from the name you chose.

And remember the advice from Proverbs: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches…”

A Ton of Gold
A contemporary mystery / suspense novel

Can long forgotten, old folk tales affect the lives of people today? In A Ton of Gold, one certainly affected young, brilliant Crystal Moore.  Two people are killed, others threatened, a house burned and an office fire-bombed – all because of an old folk tale, greed and ignorance. 

On top of that, the man who nearly destroyed Crystal emotionally is coming back.  This time he can put an end to her career.  She’ll need all the help she can get from a former bull rider, her streetwise housemate and her feisty 76 year-old grandmother.

A Ton of Gold
By James R. Callan
From Oak Tree Press,  2013

On Amazon, in paperback, at: 
Or the Kindle edition at:    
Or from Oak Tree Press at: 

Blog site:
Book website:

Meet James R. Callan

After a successful career in mathematics and computer science, receiving grants from the National Science Foundation and NASA, and being listed in Who’s Who in Computer Science and Two Thousand Notable Americans, James R. Callan turned to his first love—writing.  He wrote a monthly column for a national magazine for two years, and published several non-fiction books.  He now concentrates on his favorite genre, mystery/suspense, with his fifth book released in 2013.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How much betrayal can a man take from the woman he loves?

Gabe Knight, a pastor in a small coastal town, finds his life is turned upside down when Dee Dillow arrives and hires him to remodel an estate she's inherited from her aunt. Dee dashes his plans for wedded bless when on a drunken binge, she divulges that she's the highest paid call girl in Nevada and part-owner of the ritziest brothel in the state.

Gabe falls in love with her, but can't believe he's hearing the voice of God when a still, small voice tells him to marry her. After much questioning, they marry and he is deliriously happy. Until, Dee betrays him.

Gabe soon discovers just how hard it is to have the unconditional love God calls him to have for his wife, the kind of love God has for his children. When faced with losing her, Gabe realizes what true love is, how much it hurts, and just how much God loves and is willing to sacrifice for his children.


1) What would you like readers to take away from your book?
Amazing Love is the modern-day version of the Hosea and Gomer story from the Bible. I'd like for readers to take away that God loves us with an unconditional love. My heroine, Dee, does some pretty terrible things and believes that God could never forgive her, but He does.
2) Why did you choose to write this book?
A couple of years ago, I was the story of Hosea and Gomer in the Bible and the thought came to mind that it would be fun to retell the story in a modern setting.
3) What did you learn while writing this book?
I learned that even though the Bible gives us stories about individuals who lived in Bible times, it's vague at times about specifics. This give a fiction writer a lot of leeway to let their imaginations run wild.
4) What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer?
Finding time to write. I work a full-time job and also a lot of weekends, which means that I have to be really devoted to my writing time. I set aside at least an hour every night, six days a week if possible. The fact that I start with a well-developed plot makes things move faster.
5) Which books on writing have been the most helpful to you and why?
It's not really a book, but I'll tell you about it anyway. Margie Lawson's on-line classes made more impact on me and my writing style that anything else I've ever studied. They're very affordable too!
6) What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of, writing-related or not?
I'm proud of earning a master degree in professional counseling from Liberty University. I believe this degree helps me to understand my characters better and what makes them tick.
7) What kind of planning do you do before writing a novel?
I fill out character sketches in order to get to know my characters better. I ask myself what their goals are, what motivates them, and what's keeping them from reaching their goals. Sometimes, I start by writing a synopsis. This gives me information about the plot as it develops. I usually have a pretty strong plot before I actually begin the story.
8) What are your favorite writing conferences and why?
The ACFW conference is my favorite because I absolutely love the worship. It blesses my heart. It's also really nice to chat with like-minded people.
9) Why do you write?
I write because I can't stop. It's more than a hobby, it's a passion. It's the most fun I've ever had in my life!
10) Are you a plotter or a pantzer?
A big time plotter. Because I write all of my books in 30-day marathons, I have to start with a thorough plot. That doesn't mean that sometimes the story doesn't take a life of it's own, surprising me when it takes me down a road I hadn't planned to travel.
11) What are you working on right now?
I'm working on a thriller about a serial killer. It's a difficult story because there are several twists and turns and I have to be careful how I write it for everything to fall into place correctly.
12) What's next for you?
I have three releases in 2012, all young adult. Something Beautiful in January. The Hot Line Girl in June. Luck of the Draw in November.
13) What would you be doing if you weren’t writing?
Probably still riding a Harley. I sold my bike in order to have more time to write. On weekends, I'd rather curl up with my laptop and the story in my head.
14) Tell us a little more about yourself , with three things not many people know
about you.
a)       I have a masters degree in professional counseling from Liberty University.
b)       I'm an animal lover. I own two hairless Chinese Crested dogs, an African Gray parrot, three ferrets, and several aquariums in my home.
c)       I love sour foods. I'd rather have olives, pickles, or dilly beans than something sweet sometimes.

15) Do you listen to music when you write and if so, what kind of music – or do you  find it  distracts you?
I must have total peace and quiet when I write. I hate it because it keeps me from writing sometimes when I'd like to.
16) What do you do for fun when not writing?
When not writing, I love to read. Romantic suspense or young adult novels are favorites.
17) Tell us about your latest release and what you think readers will enjoy about it.
My latest release, Amazing Love, is the modern story of Hosea and Gomer from the Book of Hosea in the Bible. It was a tough story to write because my heroine suffers severe consequences for her sins, but it was necessary to portray how low we can go and how much God still loves us through it all. I hope readers will take away the fact that no matter what we do, God loves us with an unconditional love and is ready to accept us back into His loving arms.
18) If you were an animal, which one do you think you would be, and why?
I'm not sure which animal I would be, but my step-daughter was recently joking and said that if she believed in reincarnation,  she'd want to come back as one of my ferrets because I take such good care of them. That was the ultimate compliment!
19) What is your personal definition of success?
My personal definition of success has nothing to do with money. To me, a successful person is one who is happy and enjoys life.
20) How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
Twitter: kdawnbyrd
Pinterist: kdawnbyrd
Facebook: kdawnbyrd

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K. Dawn Byrd is an author of inspirational novels in several genres, including, historical, suspense, romance, and young adult. Some of her favorite things are chocolate, cars, and her pets. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and riding down country roads in the passenger seat of her husband's Corvette Stingray. When asked why she writes, her response is, "For the simple joy of placing words on the page!"

Friday, September 6, 2013


About the book:
How far would YOU go to avenge a daughter’s cruel death? Cara is considered rebellious and inappropriate to befriend. Dayne is the apple of Elder Simmons’ eye—until he takes a stand against their teachings. Can his prayers and love reach Cara and show her the way to redemption? Will Cara realize God’s love and forgiveness before she goes too far?

The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman is a novel of hope shining through the darkness with strong elements of suspense and romance and was a semifinalist in the Genesis contest. Release date is September, 2013, so it's available! From the Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, an American Christian Fiction Writers approved publisher. Look for the book on Amazon  or request it at your favorite book store or library!

Carole Brown interview for Ada Brownell 

1. How long have you been writing?
Almost all my life. My first attempt I remember was in the sixth grade: we were assigned homework to write a week long’s journal of a caveman family. It was fun, and I wish I still had that paper!
2. I understand this is your first book. How long did it take you to write it, including research, character descriptions, and that sort of thing.
From the time it began until the time of publishing, I’d say a good two years. I do a lot of editing as I go, more as I receive critiques, and then after I received the contract, I had more editing to do. It’s a long haul to put out the best book you can, and I like to do--not a good job--but I great one. Not saying I wouldn’t miss something, but hopefully not. J
3. Have you ever known a murderer or a murder victim?
Yes, I have. In this day and age, it would be fortunate if a person didn’t. I haven’t had any in my immediate family, but in our ministry and regular life, I have. It’s a sad and frightening situation, but looking at it from a distance and as material, it’s an interesting bit to use for suspense novels.
4. Is your main character a person who has to deal with the anger that would result?
Oh, my, yes. Caralynne is a person, through unfortunate circumstances, who is thrown into the cult (The Children of Righteous Cain) as a child. She lives their life as they require until she loses a child. She can endure her own abuse, but to a child, and hers? Anger and bitterness and the lust for revenge shoot her straight into the character of a vengeful person. In spite of her normally sweet and caring spirit. Of course, you have to realize, Cara doesn’t even believe God exists. How could she when he let her little girl die?
Fortunately, Dayne returns to the cult, not as the minister the cult leader wants, but as a changed man. A man who’s met God.
5. What gave you the idea for the book?
Lots of people want to know this. J  I was seeking to write a different novel than my usual suspenses. My husband and I enjoy keeping up with unusual news items in the world, and the cult situation in Texas (several years ago) caught our attention. We began “what if” session, and Dan, my husband, came up with the idea of a cult group and a woman who loses a child through abuse. The story developed from there.
Ÿ  How would she feel?
Ÿ  Could she forgive?
Ÿ  If she didn’t have God in her heart, how far would she go?
And the question begs to be answered. Could you--or I--forgive? I know it’s easy to say, with God’s help I would. But I’ve seen people’s reactions. I’ve wept with them over the inexcusable deaths that happen, and I will say, sometimes, most of the time, it takes God. Without him--it’s a seemingly impossible act.
6. Do you believe you could look a murderer in the eye and believe he was innocent?
Could I look him in the eye and believe his innocence if I had good reason to believe he was innocent? As long as I had strong evidence that way, regardless of what the authorities said, I could believe it. But it would have to be strong.
Criminals are always innocent. (So they say).
But I believe there are a few men and women who are in jail wrongfully. I also believe there are some who have been given too stiff of punishments and some with too little. But we use what we have. A faulty system that makes mistakes. I just pray I’m never caught up with dealing with it personally, not for myself or any of my family.
7. Have you ever visited a prison?
Yes, but not often. My husband has because of his ministry so he is a good resource, plus I know and use the knowledge from friends, critique partners, and others who know quite a bit of the judicial system.
8. What in the protagonist’s character causes the drive to seek revenge?
Her love, especially for her daughters, but also her love for her friends and the children of the group. I’ve been told it’s almost as if I had been through this with the depth of the feeling in the novel.
A real, true mother’s love is a wonderful precious emotion. I remember my own boundless love for my boys and now for my grandsons. I cannot imagine the horrible grief, the terrible emptiness that surrounds you and fills you with unbearable heartbreak.
And I can see a strong and determined woman, though misguided by her own thinking, acting on her need for revenge. It’s happened in Biblical days, the western days years ago, and even today. Why not in a secluded cult world?
9. Is the spiritual a key element of this book? Why?
Forgiveness. Redemption without forgiveness can not happen. Cara does not experience salvation in this book. But I do show her changing, a blossom of faith erupting within her mind and heart. And that is the first step. A big step toward forgiveness and redemption.
10. What is your next book? Your future plans for your writing career? What you hope to do?
If there is a second book after The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, and I think there will be, then Dayne and Cara will suffer new trials through an enemy just like Joseph of Biblical days, and these trials will drive them to the depths of despair. But it will bring them closer to each other and to God.
I’m also working on a lighter project set in a time era I’ve not written in before--the late 1800s. My agent is shopping a contemporary suspense set in Montana, and I also have begun the second book in a suspense series set in WWII, my favorite era.
I am also releasing the first book of a cozy mystery series, called Hog Insane, which should be out the middle of October. And no (laughing), it’s not about pigs! But it’s a fun cozy, and I think it will be a nice read for those who like a little lighter book than The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman.

Thank you, Ada, for the invitation to visit your lovely blog! And, of course, I offer a digital copy of The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman.

Carole Brown’s debut novel, The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, was a semi-finalist in the Genesis contest. Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, she enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books, along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled across the country. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons?

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Amber Schamel tells how she puts a historical novel together

Aaliyah's last chance at winning her husband's love is destroyed when she is banished from her home as an 'unclean' sinner.  Struggling to survive amidst the fear, grief and bitterness of living in a leper colony, she would give anything just to see her son again. When rumors of a Healer from Nazareth reach the colony, Aaliyah wonders if this man could really heal her, or if He would despise her like the rest of her people. It is now that Aaliyah must make the most difficult decision of her life: risk her life to appear in public, or die a leper.
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Short Bio:
Amber Schamel was born in Littleton, CO and has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and the Holy Land. She was raised in a family of 11 children, homeschooled through her education and currently works with their 10 family businesses as bookkeeper and marketing director. She volunteers half of the summer helping and ministering to young girls and Christian families. Amber loves history, culture, reading and music. She has a musical ministry and travels throughout the United States ministering thru song. During her spare time she enjoys crafting Christ-honoring stories that will inspire and encourage her readers. Amber currently lives with her family outside of Colorado Springs, CO. 

1. What part of history inspired you so that you became an historical novelist?
I have always loved history. There are so many amazing stories in history and they play through my mind like a movie. Seeing how God’s hand has guided history is very inspiring.
2. What eras and locales do you prefer?
I love the Civil War era, and the time when Christ walked the earth. I’ve visited dozens Civil War battlefields, and have also visited the Holy Land. Both those places captured my heart and my imagination.
3. How do you create characters from hundreds of years ago (or however many)? Isn’t it difficult to understand the society in which they lived, the way people thought then, their beliefs and superstitions and that sort of thing?
Actually, I’ve studied history a lot, but I don’t study the dates and events as much as I study the culture and day-to-day life of the people. Historical fiction is a challenge, because you have to make your characters authentic, but that is what I love most about historicals! For me, it’s not hard, because that’s my favorite part.
4. How long does it take to do research for a book? Do you do research first, or as you go?
The research time varies depending on how familiar I am with the era, setting etc. I do a lot of research before I start, but there are also things that come up as I’m writing that I have to research as I go.
5. Is it difficult to find information about medical treatments that were available, habits such as how frequently they bathed, foods, etc.?
Sometimes those things can be hard to find, especially as you go farther back in time. You can learn a lot on the internet these days, and there are also a lot of forums or groups that you can ask for such information. For my current Biblical novellas I was able to get all the information I needed from books I purchased while in the Holy Land.
6. How is the spiritual payload woven into your books?
This is very important to me. Every story has a lesson, because it deals with how a character reacts and handles the problems in their lives. To me it is important to encourage the reader to Godliness and character, and to communicate the gospel to them, while at the same time not leaving them with the feeling that they’re being hit over the head with a Bible. It takes a lot of prayer and listening to the Lord to weave in these elements.
7. What drives you to write?
I love to read. But as I started getting into more books, I started to realize how much bad literature there is out there. I became very frustrated that so many books had inappropriate material and even worse morals ingrained into them. This is what drove me to write. My desire is to create literature that is excellent in quality as well as the integrity of the content.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog today, Ada! It has been a delight!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

FIND VICTORY FROM ANXIETY AND FEAR. Author Nicole Deese's testimony


Nicole Deese is a mentor to women who struggle with the burden of guilt and shame. She works closely with several ministries at her church and loves to share the message of recovery with those who are hurting. She is also the author of the Letting Go series, a mother of two rambunctious boys, and a wife of ten years to her hunk-of-a-husband, Tim. Her family resides in Frisco, Texas.

                      By Nicole Deese

I have struggled with anxiety for years.

When I wrote and published my first novelAll for Annathat ugly stronghold was at an all-time high. I remember days I felt so physically ill that I would skip meals in order to alleviate the constant knot inside my core. Just the mere mention of the word “publishing” would cause me to break out into a full body sweat. 

It didn’t matter how many good reviews I received, or how many affirmations came my way, I couldn’t shake the unrelenting pull of fear.
It was during that season though that I felt God’s calming peace more than ever before. There was only one reason for this: I had NO control. I was truly powerless. I had nothing to hold onto that was solid or certain, except for my faith in God. 
There were several passages of scripture I clung to and read every morning during that time. They still serve as a reminder of God’s amazing faithfulness to me today.

Here are two of my favorites:

Isaiah 12:2
“See, God has come to save me.
I will trust in Him and not be afraid.
The Lord God is my strength and my song;
He has given me victory.”

Ephesians 3:20
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…”

Though I still struggle with anxiety, I am no longer a slave to it. When I start to feel that all-too-familiar clench in my gut, I remember this: He has already given me victory. 
I just need to take hold of it. 

The Letting Go series by Nicole Deese:                

All for Anna
All She Wanted
All Who Dream (Coming this October)

Synopsis for All for Anna:

If guilt is a prison; Victoria Sales has given herself a life sentence.
Held captive by regret, 23 year-old trauma RN, Tori Sales, has seen the reality of many nightmares. But there is one nightmare she will never wake from—her last memory of Anna. 
Her efforts to save the little girl were not enough. She was not enough.
After a year of living alone, Tori is forced to return home—a place where heartache, loss, and broken relationships lurk around every corner. Isolation is her only solace; running is her only escape.
But she cannot outrun the truth forever.
When a handsome, compassionate stranger enters her world, Tori is inspired to deal with her past and focus on the future—one she never believed possible. But before her quest for closure is complete, a new revelation surfaces, tainting her world yet again.
Will she accept the recovery she so desperately needs? Or will she choose the escape she knows best...