Friday, February 8, 2019

How Christianity changes the world

·        By  Ada Brownell 


I was a kid. A visiting missionary stretched a snake skin over the church altar. That day in the early 1940s, it seemed to cover the mourners' bench and go from aisle to aisle.

“That kind of snake hides in the trees in Africa,” my brother told me. “They drop on you, squeeze you to death and swallow you whole.”

The missionary showed a home movie of almost-naked Africans who heard the gospel for the first time. I thought hearing about Jesus and his love was good, with them living with big snakes and all. Then my brother informed me some were cannibals.

The missionary then told how a witch doctor came to Jesus and the whole village accepted Christ and danced with joy.

I remember what happened when Christian missionaries took the gospel to remote Indian tribes in Ecuador during the 1950s. Jim Elliot and his wife, Elisabeth, studied Spanish, tropical diseases and learned to do some medical treatments. Jim and Elisabeth also translated the New Testament into the Quechua language and ministered to the Quechua Indians from their missionary station at the base of the Andes Mountains.

One day the pilot, Nate Saint, who flew in supplies regularly, spotted Auca Indian houses. The five men on their team prayed for a way to reach Aucas with the gospel.

After trading gifts with the Indians, the missionaries found a beach where they could land. They prayed, and Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully and Roger Youderian set up camp.

Three Aucas acted friendly, but on January 8, 1956, hostile Aucas speared the missionary men to death.

Yet, Elisabeth Elliot and her daughter, Valerie, along with Rachel Saint (Nate Saint’s sister) went back and lived with the tribe. With the help of Dayuma, an Auca woman, Elisabeth created a written language and used it to translate the Bible. Now many Auca Indians are literate Christians.

Following Jesus has always been dangerous. In the 20th century, Christians were among millions killed or starved by Communist dictators Mao (China), Stalin (Russia), Leopold (Belguim), Tojo (Japan) and the world has no idea how many thousands or millions have been killed by Islamic radicals in the 21st century.

Nevertheless, nations have been changed by Christians who teach what Jesus taught: “Love your neighbor as yourself; Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you; Love your enemies and do good unto those that despitefully use you.”

A 2011 Pew Research poll showed China now has an estimated 67 million Christians. Africa is the zone of Christianity’s greatest growth today, according to Crux, a Catholic publication. Africa is the world’s most populous Christian continent, with slightly more Christians than North America. The Pew Forum projects that by 2050, sub-Saharan Africa will have 1.1 billion Christians, almost twice as many as its nearest rival, Islam.

The turning of wicked individuals and nations to Jesus is not only a story of courage, but also one of unconditional love, healing and forgiveness.

Gospel light blazed from mouths and actions of missionaries, evangelists such as Billy Graham, Christian organizations that built hospitals, schools, universities, and charitable agencies that do something about illiteracy, disasters, hunger, disease, poverty and orphans. Christians lift up the value of human life, equal human rights, compassion and mercy; value of education, marriage and family; and political freedom. Also rising from biblical teachings is a strong work ethic and the joy of music and singing.

My friends Ruth and Curtis Butler went to the Philippines to teach the gospel and stayed despite finding cobras in the kitchen. They weren’t harmed and served 31 years in missions, obeying Jesus’ command to go into the world and preach the gospel. After retirement, they taught the Ablaze Bible Class at Pueblo Christian Center for 10 years before Curtis’ death, and Ruth continues to teach.

Why take risks like deadly snakes to spread Christianity?

Because each person needs to know God loves him, will forgive sin and gives eternal life. No one can be forced to believe and receive salvation. It’s a choice, but “how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard?” (Romans 10:14).

Ada Brownell is a retired reporter for The Pueblo Chieftain. A freelance writer, she has eight published books and writes occasionally for Christian publications. Her blog is

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