Summerside/Guideposts book Wedding Belles has just released! It's the first in a new series called "Belles and Whistles" (fun historical romances set in great western towns). Wedding Belles takes place in Estes Park Colorado. Here's the link, for those who are interested in learning more:
Who (or what) influenced you to become a writer?
From the time I was a little girl, I always had a creative bent. I loved to sing and dance. I got involved with drama in high school and ended up writing a little play, which we performed. In the late 70s my father moved our family to Los Angeles so that he could get into the movie business, (as a producer). He encouraged me to co-author a screenplay, which I did. In fact, I joined the screenwriter’s guild at age 18. Quite an honor! After I got married and had my children, they showed an interest in theater, too, so I ended up directing and writing musicals for Curtain Call Café (a Christian theater group). From there, my interests spread to books, and I started publishing fiction for the Christian market. I’ve now published over 80 books, everything from inspirational romance to non-fiction devotionals. I would have to say that my father was a huge influence. He passed away in ’06, but did a lot of writing in his lifetime (both screenplays and lyrics to country songs).
Janice, can you tell us about your latest book project?
Yes, I’m so tickled to share the news about my comedic historical, WEDDING BELLES, which is releasing on May 1st. Most of my readers know that I love to write light-hearted tales, and this one is no different!
What is the story behind this book?
I received a call from editor Susan Downs, who shared an idea she had for a series of books titled “Belles and Whistles.” The books in this series, she explained, must be historical, set in the west, with funny, quirky female characters. Because I write romantic comedy, she thought I would be perfect. I quickly put together a proposal for six books and two were picked up right away: WEDDING BELLES and SLEIGH BELLES. I was commissioned to write WEDDING BELLES first and had a blast doing so! The basic premise for the book was developed before I started writing, but something significant happened along the way to change my plans drastically. I needed a sneaky reason for Lottie Sanders (my heroine) to bring a group of women to Estes Park Colorado as potential brides for the town’s men. About a week after I got the contract for this book I went to a local restaurant that happened to be hosting a melodrama during the dinner hour. As I watched the drama take place, I realized this was my answer! Lottie would write and direct a melodrama to raise funds for Parker Lodge (owned by the young man she secretly loves). Out of that came the rest of this fun, melodramatic tale!
Can you share the “official” synopsis?
Lottie Sanders would do just about anything for the man she secretly loves. When Gilbert Parker suggests they put on a play to draw people to his family’s lodge, he begs Lottie to direct it. Lottie agrees to help, but is also worried if they cannot pull this off, Gilbert and his family will lose the lodge — and she will lose him. When the local single men look at this as an opportunity to catch a bride, they secretly hatch their own drama to win the hearts and hands of the actresses.
Why did you choose to write this book under the name Janice Hanna, instead of Janice Thompson?
Ooo, great question! I write most of my contemporary novels (like the WEDDINGS BY BELLA series) under Thompson and historicals (like the LOVE FINDS YOU books) under Hanna. My maiden name is Hanna, and I love to write under that name to honor my father, who passed away in ’06. I think he would have been very proud of this particular book.
Is there any connection between the WEDDINGS BY BELLA series and this one?
Nope. None whatsoever. Just an interesting coincidence with the titles/names.
What’s the deal with the wedding stories? Why do you write so many books with wedding themes?
My four daughters (all in their late 20s/early 30s) got married within four years of each other. Talk about wedding chaos! At writer’s conferences I’ve been told to “write what you know” and I certainly know weddings. I worked for a short while as a wedding coordinator and have catered many a wedding and/or bridal shower. It just makes sense to keep my writing wedding-themed, as much as possible!
What do you hope the reader takes away from the story?
Two things: I hope they see Lottie as the precious girl she is. I also hope they learn that perceptions are just that. . .perceptions. They’re not fact. Sometimes we look at situations and think we’ve got them figured out. When we give them a second look (and a third) we realize we were dead wrong.
What is the next project you’re working on?
I’m currently writing a novel titled LET THEM EAT CAKE, which is part of the new WEDDINGS BY DESIGN series from Revell Publishing. Many of my readers know me as the “Bella” author (from the WEDDINGS BY BELLA series). In this new series, readers can catch up with Bella, DJ and the whole gang!
How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website:
Facebook: Janice Hanna Thompson
Twitter: booksbyjanice
My online courses:
Where can readers buy this book?
They can email me for an autographed copy: They can also purchase online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble or
"This precious treasure--this light and power that now shine within us--is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own" (2 Corinthians 4:7).
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
What would it be like to be a slave? How would that affect your life?
Sometimes you would be chained. You would be made to work hard all day. If you stopped to rest a minute, you might be beaten with a whip on your bare back.
While you are young, you probably would be taken away from your parents, no matter how much you loved them, and most likely you’d never see them again. If you fell in love with another slave and had children, there would be a good chance that at some time you or members of your family would be sold, and you’d never see them again, either.
Slaves don’t have freedom to choose where they want to live, what they want to do in life, and who they’ll share their life with.
It was a great day when America gave freedom to all slaves.
Freedom is what America is all about, even if some of the early settlers didn’t give freedom to slaves.
Most of the people who sailed to America from other countries came because they wanted to be free. No, they weren’t slaves, but they wanted religious freedom. They wanted to worship the way they believed they should worship God, not be forced to obey the rules of another religion.
No one can force another person to be a born-again Christian. Each person must make that decision himself.
Americans today, mostly young people fear Christians would like to force them to accept their religion. Even though you can be forced to join a church or be baptized, a person isn’t born again unless he believes in God, accepts Christ as Savior, repents of his sins, and decides to follow Jesus.
God gave us this freedom to choose.
Many people in history have suffered because of their faith in God—and that isn’t freedom. Moses had to hidden in a basket in the bulrushes (water plants) of the Nile because the Pharaoh said every Hebrew child must be killed. The Pharaoh’s princess daughter found Moses, took him into the palace and saved his life.
Mordecai, a Hebrew whose family was carried away by Nebuchadnezzar to Persia, was ordered hanged because he wouldn’t bow down to the prime minister.
Haman, the wicked prime minister planned to massacre all of God’s people. But after fasting and prayer by the Hebrews, Queen Esther went before the King and saved Mordecai’s life and prevented the mass killings. Haman was hung on his own gallows (Esther 9:11).
The Jews still observe their deliverance from mass murder by Haman at the feast of Purim.
Joseph was sold by his brothers as a slave into Egypt because of his faith and prophetic dreams, and he eventually received honor by God and restored love with his family. Daniel lost his freedom when he was thrown into the lion’s den for praying three times a day. God shut the lion’s mouths and he was delivered.
The three Hebrew children lost their freedom when they were bound and thrown into the fiery furnace for not bowing down and worshipping the King. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednigo were delivered. Those watching the furnace said it appeared a Fourth Man was walking in the Fire, and it was revealed to them that it was the Son of God.
In the New Testament the evangelist, Stephen, was stoned to death for preaching about Salvation through Jesus Christ, who had risen from the dead.
The Apostle Paul was jailed numerous times for preaching about Jesus. His writings show he knew he would die for his faith. Traditions say Paul was beheaded, probably during Nero’s bloody persecution.
All of Jesus disciples, except Judas and John, died for their faith. Judas committed suicide after betraying Jesus and selling him for 30 pieces of silver. John suffered for his faith on Patmos, a rocky barren island, until old age. But he still had fellowship with God, and wrote the Book of Revelation while on that island.
Religious persecution still occurs today.
Even though America was founded so that its citizens could have freedom, there are people who would like to take our freedoms away. But it’s not just people. Satan would like to bring us into bondage and make us slaves to sin. The Bible says in Romans 6:18, “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.”
But if we obey God, we don’t have to be a servant of sin.
Today, you have freedom in the United States to pray, to read your Bible and go to any church you choose. It may not always be that way. Let’s pray for the freedom from sin only God can give and that freedom will continue in the United States.
Monday, April 23, 2012
A Friend is a Gift
Her name was Valerie. Fresh out of college, a newlywed, and teaching Spanish at a local high school. Pretty. Shiny shoulder-length brunette hair. Clear, smooth complexion and a smile that revealed a merry heart.
We attended the same church, but I don’t know why she chose me for her friend. Our first get together was on the tennis court. Never mind I was 35 and had five children at home. She apparently didn’t realize how much trouble my short legs were going to have keeping up with her long, slim ones on the court. (In retrospect, maybe she did!).
I soon discovered Valerie was an unusual friend. She spent hours in prayer. I had personal devotions, but there was a greater dimension in Valerie’s prayer life.
One day Valerie and I visited a young man paralyzed in an auto accident a few weeks before. His spirit was broken and he no longer wanted to attend church.
“May I pray for you?” Valerie asked after we’d talked a while..
The young man, shoulders drooped, nodded. When Valerie prayed, the room was charged with God’s presence. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he would have jumped out of the wheel chair and danced. Instead, he wept. But you could see despair turn to healing in his spirit. He was back in church the next Sunday.
Today I found a letter Valerie wrote to me more than 20 years ago, encouraging me and saying she had been praying for me in the night. Valerie truly was a great friend. Solomon wrote, “Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man’s friend …” (Proverbs 27:9).
Time Tidbit
Did you know it takes fewer than 5 minutes to make your bed, but having your bedroom straightened will help create a tranquil atmosphere in the room?
I took large old pottery flower pots, knocked the bottoms out, and made a raised garden. That end of our yard formerly was landscaped with white rock. I scraped away a circle of rocks about the size of the pot, dug a hole and set the pot halfway down in it. Then I filled the pot with 1/2 potting soil and 1/2 dirt and mixed. Now I have a long row of pots in a sunny place. The roots of the plants can grow as deep as they desire. Having the garden raised is better for the plants because there is sufficient drainage. I've been successful in growing zucchini, green beans and tomatoes in such a garden. We grow climbing blue lake green beans and they've grown higher than our heads on the fence. Yum! Fresh veggies out of the garden.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Staci Stallings, the author of this article, is a Contemporary Christian author and the founder of Grace & Faith Author Connection. Staci has a special surprise for you today and tomorrow only...
April 18 & 19, Staci's novel:
Deep in the Heart
"This is more than a romance. The author cuts straight to the heart of God–love. God is love. Even through unexpected tragedies. And we can overcome evil with good–by His love."
--Betty Anne Bantz
Can Keith defy the most powerful men in Texas to follow his heart?
Available as a free download from Amazon!
By Staci Stallings
In this life we often make two mistakes that cause immense amounts of pain. The first is to believe we are separate from God, thus rendering our lives void of meaning. The second is trying to find or gain that meaning from something outside of God.
We do this in many ways--trying to build up our bank account, buying or building a bigger house, getting a better car, and even serving ourselves into the ground trying to prove our worthiness to God and others. None of these work. But I think the most tragic way we try to gain meaning is through our children.
You know the scenario. The marriage isn't happy, so the solution is to have a baby as the baby will give meaning to the loveless, lifeless marriage. When that doesn't work, unhealed parents begin to strive to live out their failed dreams through their children. They put them in every camp, class, and activity that they themselves always wanted to be in--or were in but never quite succeeded at.
Then they begin to push and demand far too much from the child. Every misstep the child makes is met with condemnation and an order to do better (conditional love). I actually know parents who have taken their child out to practice for hours on end "to make them better." Oftentimes doing so against the child's will or better judgment.
The answer lies in the parent's strained relationship with God. That parent, pushing their child beyond their limits in a sport or activity the child doesn't even want to be in, is trying to gain meaning through their child's accomplishments. The parent doesn't realize that something "out there" -- i.e. their child's success will not give them the peace they so desperately seek.
The only thing that gives that peace is seeking God, falling on Him, and letting His love and acceptance flow through your life--not because you deserve it but just because He wants to give it to you. Until you find that, nothing "out there" will ever fill "in here."
So if you're a parent who is yelling at refs, forcing your child to be in an activity they neither want to be in nor like, or demanding your child excel for your benefit, it may be time to take a few steps back and ask if you are doing this for your child or for yourself.
Sit and talk with your child, ask what they want in the situation and in life. Do they like this sport or activity? Would they do it if you let them choose whatever they want? You see, their life is also between them and God. Their meaning in life is God--not pleasing you. But if you set it up so that they are trying to please you instead of God, you have set yourself up as an idol for that child.
Parenting is absolutely one of the hardest, most challenging callings on this earth. Just don't make it harder by trying to do it unhealed and searching for your hope "out there." Give your child the gift of putting God first in their lives, and give yourself the same gift. It can make all the difference.
Copyright Staci Stallings, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Meet Terrie Thorpe, author of Am I Really Saved?, Answering Questions of Christians and Footsteps of Jesus. She is a teacher and freelance writer. Has written of over 100 articles on the life of faith on her weblog "Light for the Journey" and is a regular contributor to several online weblogs. She enjoys living in the Pacific Northwest with her husband.Her second book is “Footsteps of Jesus – Becoming a Disciple.” This work has been two years in the making and is now complete. As you can tell by the title, it is about discipleship, but with a twist.
Summary of Footsteps of Jesus:
Using her college experience as a backdrop, Terrie draws the parallel between a disciple of Jesus and a student. Using examples from college admission through internship marking the course of a developing disciple. With a blend of scripture stories and real-life experience, she shows even if life throws curve balls, we are never out of the game.
Unequally Yoked
By Terrie Thorpe
Isaiah 26:3-4 “You will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal rock”
Feeling tired? Do you wake up in the morning under pressure to be everything to everyone in your life? Do you force yourself out of bed to perform all the tasks that leave you exhausted? Do you wonder “Where’s the joy? Where’s the reward for all the hard work?”
We work harder than any generation before us, but the harder we work the further behind are, playing catch up with every step. Who is that unseen taskmaster who so brutally drives us on? Take a look in the mirror.
Christians are the hardest taskmaster in the world. We feel to be approved by God, we must be gracious, forgiving, serving tirelessly, and devoting ourselves to be everything to everyone. Being the perfect husband; perfect wife; having the perfect home; raise perfect children, and serve, serve, serve! This is the lie of the enemy and it has been firmly cemented into Christian life.
We have taken on the yoke of bondage willingly, because we don’t understand what the scriptures say. Many are familiar with the phrase “Unequally yoked” and equate it to being married to an unbeliever, but that phrase applies to all of our relationships. It simply means: opposing forces or not walking together.
Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT).
A yoke is a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals are joined at the heads or necks for working together. Can you imagine a cow with a calf in the barn yoked with an ox? I imagine the cow would continuously pull toward any direction, fighting the yoke, while the ox would relax and steadily pull toward the goal.
We know as Christians that the life of faith is not easy. When we accepted Jesus as our Savior, our troubles didn’t end, but we made a commitment to follow Jesus.
Although we have been set free from sin, we still struggle with worldly issues. As I allow issues to come into my life, they rob my joy, cause fear and damage my faith in the Lord. Some things are worse than others and there are times I just can’t take much more.
“I can’t wait for Jesus to come-I am so tired of this fight!” I said to a friend one day. But it is not supposed to be this way. I have allowed myself to become unequally yoked with Jesus. I’m pulling toward all the things I think I need to do when He says, “just keep plodding on with me and we’ll get there!”
Where do we turn when life gets too much for us? We need to go to the Word of God. In His Word we will find truth, hope and strength to face the challenges.
Psalms 34:17-19 “The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those who are broken is spirit. The righteous face many troubles, but the Lord rescues them from each and every one.”
Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The Lord your God will go ahead of you. He will neither fail you or forsake you.”
I have discovered when I’m tired and overwrought, I need to return my focus to the Lord. If I allow Him to guide me, he gives me strength and courage to let go of those things that pale with His love and power..
He’ll work great miracles for you as well--if you remember His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
© Terrie Thorpe April 15, 2012
Footsteps of Jesus - Becoming a Disciple" link to purchase:
Terrie's blog, "Light for the Journey": and to my author webpage
Summary of Footsteps of Jesus:
Using her college experience as a backdrop, Terrie draws the parallel between a disciple of Jesus and a student. Using examples from college admission through internship marking the course of a developing disciple. With a blend of scripture stories and real-life experience, she shows even if life throws curve balls, we are never out of the game.
Unequally Yoked
By Terrie Thorpe
Isaiah 26:3-4 “You will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal rock”
Feeling tired? Do you wake up in the morning under pressure to be everything to everyone in your life? Do you force yourself out of bed to perform all the tasks that leave you exhausted? Do you wonder “Where’s the joy? Where’s the reward for all the hard work?”
We work harder than any generation before us, but the harder we work the further behind are, playing catch up with every step. Who is that unseen taskmaster who so brutally drives us on? Take a look in the mirror.
Christians are the hardest taskmaster in the world. We feel to be approved by God, we must be gracious, forgiving, serving tirelessly, and devoting ourselves to be everything to everyone. Being the perfect husband; perfect wife; having the perfect home; raise perfect children, and serve, serve, serve! This is the lie of the enemy and it has been firmly cemented into Christian life.
We have taken on the yoke of bondage willingly, because we don’t understand what the scriptures say. Many are familiar with the phrase “Unequally yoked” and equate it to being married to an unbeliever, but that phrase applies to all of our relationships. It simply means: opposing forces or not walking together.
Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT).
A yoke is a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals are joined at the heads or necks for working together. Can you imagine a cow with a calf in the barn yoked with an ox? I imagine the cow would continuously pull toward any direction, fighting the yoke, while the ox would relax and steadily pull toward the goal.
We know as Christians that the life of faith is not easy. When we accepted Jesus as our Savior, our troubles didn’t end, but we made a commitment to follow Jesus.
Although we have been set free from sin, we still struggle with worldly issues. As I allow issues to come into my life, they rob my joy, cause fear and damage my faith in the Lord. Some things are worse than others and there are times I just can’t take much more.
“I can’t wait for Jesus to come-I am so tired of this fight!” I said to a friend one day. But it is not supposed to be this way. I have allowed myself to become unequally yoked with Jesus. I’m pulling toward all the things I think I need to do when He says, “just keep plodding on with me and we’ll get there!”
Where do we turn when life gets too much for us? We need to go to the Word of God. In His Word we will find truth, hope and strength to face the challenges.
Psalms 34:17-19 “The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those who are broken is spirit. The righteous face many troubles, but the Lord rescues them from each and every one.”
Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The Lord your God will go ahead of you. He will neither fail you or forsake you.”
I have discovered when I’m tired and overwrought, I need to return my focus to the Lord. If I allow Him to guide me, he gives me strength and courage to let go of those things that pale with His love and power..
He’ll work great miracles for you as well--if you remember His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
© Terrie Thorpe April 15, 2012
Footsteps of Jesus - Becoming a Disciple" link to purchase:
Terrie's blog, "Light for the Journey": and to my author webpage
Friday, April 13, 2012
A Beast of a Storm
I live near Joplin, Missouri, where about 1/3 of the city was wiped out last year by a tornado. Months ago we visited what's left of the city and the huge St. John's hospital--chewed to the bones by the horrid beasts that whirled through there. The paws of the monster storm wadded vehicles like tissue paper and threw them over the landscape like litterbugs throw trash out of a car window.
Houses disappeared as teeth of the storm chewed hundreds of them down like kernels on a corncob.
Thank the Lord they are rebuilding, but many of the building lots where homes formerly stood now are bare except for a "For Sale" sign.
Today one twister hit Kansas. Thunder rattles our windows here tonight and lightning is writing graffiti in the sky. Uneasiness grips Missourians more than it used to. Devastation like we saw in Joplin makes us realize we should have a plan and be prepared at all times. We have a wonderful neighbor who allows us to go to his basement. Yet, when the sirens go off, we wonder what we should grab when we go and if anything we need will be left when we return.
I had a garage sale recently and tonight as I looked into a closet I asked myself why I didn't sell the big pillows I used to have on my bed with European shams. Than I realized I use those pillows when we go into the bathroom when the sirens go off. Yet, the bathroom isn't safe. I have a huge mirror, a big picture with glass, and glass doors on the bath tub for the shower. I have covered the shower doors with quilts and taken down the mirror and the picture, though, during storm warnings when we couldn't go across the street.
The Lord's disciples got caught in dangerous storm, but they were on the water. Amazing that all Jesus had to say was "Peace. Be still," and the winds stopped rocking the boat and the waves settled down like a big fuzzy dog finding the most comfortable spot on a fluffy scatter rug.
The Lord has settled many emotional storms in my life. The Bible--God's Word--is where I usually hear His voice. My favorite verse right now is John 16:33. Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world."
That is cause for rejoicing. When we get to the other side of trials and tests our faith intact, I probably should rejoice like the folks who stand beside the bare roots of a blown-away home, knowing everything they owned, including their cars, are rubble. Yet they say, "I thank God we're alive. Everything else can be replaced."
When we know the Lord, nothing can destroy us. Jesus said, "Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28).
* Copyright 2012 Ada Brownell
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Encouragement Tidbit
Straight from God's Word:
"I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.... You do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful" (1 Corinthians 1:7-9).
"I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.... You do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful" (1 Corinthians 1:7-9).
Household Hint
Don't toss away that sliver of bar soap! While it's soft from use, press it against a new bar. If you always do this, you'll never have to throw away soap.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Lynette Bonner tells how a fictional character comes to life
1. How did Nicki from High Desert Haven come to life in your mind?
I’m a seat of the pants writer. When I started this story all I had to go on was a glimpse of an Hispanic woman, struggling to scratch out a living with her family. I knew she would have to be tough to make it in another country, and especially in the hard-scrabble west. Jason, a secondary character from the first book in this series, needed a tough woman in his life. The two just seemed to naturally go together. :)
2. How did you choose the setting?
The setting was chosen for me because of the historical details I wanted to bring out in this one. I had come across some very interesting research about Crook County, Oregon and that made choosing to set the story near present-day Bend, easy for me. Especially since I spent several of my growing up years in a small town only about 13 miles from there.
3. Did you have the crisis—the dark moment—figured out when you started Chapter One?
No. Like I said, I’m a seat of the pants writer. The story comes to me as I write it and I sort of go along for the ride.
4. How did the final draft of Chapter One win your approval? Which took the most thinking—the beginning or the dark moment?
The beginning of a story is always fairly easy for me. Because I have several characters in my head and I am starting out to explore their stories. Definitely the middle of a book is generally the hardest for me. That and the wrap-up – deciding how many details are important to share and which already feel tied up for the reader.
5. Did any of your characters take on a life of their own? Who was your favorite minor character who was able to steal a scene?
I had two minor characters in this story that I loved. The first is Ron, the elderly ranch hand who has stuck with Nicki through thick and thin. I love his fatherly concern for her. But I think the character that surprised me the most by stealing a couple scenes was Janice, the daughter of the local mercantile owners. Her talkativeness and insecurity combine to make her an endearing, memorable character.
6. Was it easier the create the female lead or the male? In my historical romance, The Belle of Peachville, Jenny is the lead character and is running away from abuse, but William always captures my critiquers’ hearts. William often is Jenny’s rescuer and encourager who keeps popping into her life, although toward the end of the book he could be as fearsome as her pursuer.
I think I generally have an easier time creating my female leads, over my male leads. Although, at the start of this book I was more familiar with Jason, since I’d already written about him in book one, Rocky Mountain Oasis. (
7. How does Nicki’s faith or lack of it affect your story? If she actually were alive today, would she have a word of encouragement for my blog followers?
Nicki’s faith is a key element in the story, although she struggles with why God allows bad things to happen to good people. In the end she comes to the surrendered faith of realizing she has nowhere else to turn. Faith is, after all, putting our hope in things unseen, sometimes, yet being certain that our hope is not in vain.
8. What is your favorite fictional character of all time?
Hmmm…. This question gives me pause. I’ve been a reader all my life and have had many stories that I loved. When I was very young, I loved The Adventures of Peter Cottontail series by Thornton W. Burgess. The series name isn’t coming to me right now, but they had many different stories each about a different animal in the forest. When I got a little older Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys were favorites. Then in high school, I read and reread the Zion Chronicles and Zion Covenant by Bodie Thoene. Those stories have so many memorable characters, but I think Lucy, whose baby was going to be taken for the cause of the Reich, might be my favorite. My heart is still stirred when I think of her story. I would be remiss if I neglected to mention Angel from Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, Percey Blakeney from The Scarlett Pimpernell, Hawkeye from The Last of the Mohicans (movie), or Benjamin Martin from The Patriot (movie.) And there are many more, but I will stop with those.
9. Why and how did you become a novelist?
I’ve always had a love for great fiction. And I toyed with writing for many years. But it wasn’t until I came across the historical tidbits at the center of Rocky Mountain Oasis, that I had a story I simply couldn’t stop writing. My journey to publication after completing it took nearly a decade, but the Lord kept prodding me to keep submitting. I was finally pulled from the slush pile at OakTara and, trust me, no one was more shocked than I was that I was finally going to be published.
10. What is your greatest ambition now that you have achieved seeing your books published?
I think every writer would love to see their stories made into a movie. But I think the thing that would give me the most joy would be to hear about a life that was changed because of these books.
Note: The book will soon be available in many locations but right now it may be purchased at:
Happy Home Hints and Tidbits
Ponder This:
Solomon's hard-to-find virtuous woman looked well to the ways of her household and ate not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 3:27).
Did you Know?
You can clean out the dishwasher in only a few more seconds than it takes to microwave water for tea.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Easter Excerpt from Swallowed by LIFE by Ada Brownell
The moment of brain death appears to be the time when the soul leaves the flesh. I believe it is the moment that death is swallowed by life.
As I said before, from what I understand in scripture, the soul will be with the Lord immediately and we will have some kind of spirit body, but the earthly body, laid aside and unnecessary for now while we are with God in spirit, will live again. Just as we go to sleep and know nothing for several hours, then awaken as if nothing happened, the Bible tells us when our eyes close in death—at whatever age—there will be a resurrection—an awakening—of the physical body.
I’ve previously mentioned the Apostle Paul’s explanation of death in 1 Corinthians 15 where he likened the death of the body to a seed planted in the ground:
Someone will say, ‘How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?’ Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body…So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.
There is so much our finite minds can’t comprehend about death, the eternal, and our God. But this we know, as did Job of old: “I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.” He added, “Even if worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh I shall see God” (Job 19:25–26).
But our flesh will be changed. Until then, we are mortals. Every human is at risk of death every moment he lives. That’s why it’s vitally important to investigate and know about eternal life. While the body decays in the ground, the eternal soul lives on.
When I think of death I’m reminded of this epitaph quoted by an evangelist at our church. It reportedly appears on a grave from the 1880s in Nantucket, Massachusetts:
Under the sod and under the trees
Lies the body of Jonathan Pease.
He is not here, there’s only the pod:
Pease shelled out and went to God.
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Here's what you'll find in Second-Half Missionary John Heidi's book and Bible study "Finishing Life Strong."
With forty percent of people in the U.S. now over fifty years of age, millions of baby boomers and beyond are facing new challenges and choices as they journey through the second-half of life. This study guide helps to provide answers to the pressing issues that those in the second-half of life find themselves dealing with.
Included in this guide is information about:
• Raising Grandchildren-over 6 million children live with grandparents.
• Dealing with Depression--the most common illness found among Second-Halfers
• Surviving the Death of a Spouse-the number one cause for stress
• Finding love a second time-read about couples who found spouses on the internet
• Health, Finance, Scams, and other important Retirement issues
• Making sense out of life by developing a "Lifetime Message" From 82 year old Marlene who is raising her great granddaughter to 95 year old Nola Ochs, America's oldest college graduate to 93 year old youth pastor Howard Fox
The book by John Heidi contains true stories from the lives of second-halfers who have experienced both tragedy and triumph.
“ If you are new to the ‘second half’ or have been traveling this road a long time you will find yourself laughing, crying, learning, and being encouraged at God's plan for every person...regardless of age. If you have a PULSE, you have a PURPOSE and whether you use this guide in a small group, a Sunday School class, or as an individual study, you can find inspiration and hope. YOU can FINISH LIFE STRONG! Looking for inspiration and hope? This book is for you. You will find numbers of practical and helpful suggestions to get you on the road to a whole new life of excitement in your second half.”
-- From the foreward by Ken Horn, Editor ot The Pentecostal Evangel.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Second Half Achievers
John Heide serves as a missionary to those in the Second Half of Life. Along with his wife Judy, they travel in full time ministry to churches across America.
His new book, “Finishing Life Strong…Issues and Inspiration for those in the Second Half of Life” is a 10 topic study guide for those journeying (or soon to be) in their second half! From, finding purpose in the Second Half of Life, Dealing with Depression, Raising Grandchildren (over 6 million children are being raised by their grandparents today), to Finding Love the Second time around, the book addresses relevant topics for today’s adults. The author can be reached at: or, The book is available at
Today, over 140,000 Americans are 100 years of age or older and people are asking, “what can I do at my age?” Satchel Paige became a major league pitcher when we was forty two years old and pitched until he was 60. Colonel Sanders started Kentucky Fried Chicken when he was 65. Ronald Reagan became president at 69, and Grandma Moses picked up a paint brush for the first time at age 75 and painted over 1500 paintings, several of which she painted after reaching 100 years of age. Moses led the children out of Egypt when he was 80 years of age and don’t let me scare the reader but Abraham became a father at 100 years of age (his wife was a young 90 years old!).
It can be an exciting time in life when you reach the Second Half. John Wooden the famed UCLA basketball coach would tell his team at halftime, “As long as there is a Second half we can win this game….they usually did! In the book of Job chapter 42:12 the Bible reads “God blessed the Second Half of Job’s life more than the first!” Each of us can have hope that there is a plan for ALL of life. Discovering, developing, and deploying that plan can bring great satisfaction and make the Second Half of life significant for time and eternity!
Bill was 73 years old and wrote out a “game plan” for the next 20 years of his life. He went back to college, learned a foreign language, learned to play the piano and tackled the computer! Bill was into living, not dying! From his youth Jim had always wanted to be a Doctor. However, as a young married man with small children he had to settle for another career. Later in life at age 68 Jim had just retired but still felt as though God wanted him to be in the medical field. He quickly counted that if it took 12 years in medical school that he would be 80 years old and no hospital would let him near their place unless he was a patient! So, Jim settled for something less, in 3 short years he became a registered nurse and was taking medical trips as a missionary to help people around the world.
Perhaps, your Second Half is just waiting for you to discover that you can, “Finish Life Strong!”
As another baseball great Yogi Berra once said “It ain’t over til it’s over!”
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