Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Zucchini can be a model for writers and Christians


 An author, or even a Christian can be like a zucchini. What? How?

 A Zucchini plant is prolific. Well, few plants can outgrow or produce more than zucchini. With little attention, they pop out of the seed, shoot above ground, and spread their talents over the garden like they were writers trying to tell the world about their upcoming books. If a person plants more than a couple of hills, gardeners start running down strangers trying to give them some..
2.       Zucchini is versatile. There may be more recipes for this edible gourd than any other plant grown in the garden. The fruit/veggie can be made into most anything for the table—and I wouldn’t be surprised if I heard whittlers even used them to practice carving. Even the beautiful blossoms are edible and are a delicacy fried.
My husband’s favorites are breaded and fried zucchini slices and z-bread made from my stepmother’s recipe. Z-fruit is great in salads and stir-fry. I have several recipes for zucchini casseroles, and I recently made zucchini quiche.
One time when we had a big family dinner and it appeared there wouldn’t be enough food, my sister grabbed zucchini, cut it up like potatoes, cooked and mashed it with plenty of salt, pepper and butter. It was delicious and filling. A niece taught me to grind zucchini, freeze it in small containers and add to soup.
I’ve even made cinnamon pickles out of zucchini, and you couldn’t tell them from the cucumber pickles.
3.      Zucchini is susceptible to garden hazards. Many blossoms don't make fruit because they aren't pollinated and some fruit shrivels and dies on the vine. But most plants still produce and abundance. Yet, with all that production, the zucchini plant doesn’t do well in hot, dry weather. The plant is so susceptible to disease and squash bugs it could die in only a few days after an attack. 
APPLICATION: Do you see yourself anywhere here? If not, I’ll share how I see similarities between me and a zucchini.
I PRODUCE: Ideas (blossoms) by the dozen and some bear fruit.
I’M VERSATILE:  I’ve written numerous articles, stories and created puzzles for Sunday school papers and Christian magazines. Curriculum was another achievement. I’ve authored two novels and three non-fiction books. My chapters appear in five other books.
During my career as a reporter, I wrote thousands of newspaper articles. I produce a blog and do guest blogs.
I’M SUSCEPTIBLE TO WRITER’S RISKS: Discouragement and ego problems can wipe me out in a hurry. I need to stay focused, do my best and leave the rest up to God—being willing to take critiquers’ and editors’ advice for improving my work.
A CHRISTIAN AS A ZUCCHINI: Is God’s Word planted into the good soil of my heart, being watered, and producing fruit? Am I willing to do whatever the Lord calls me to do, and do it with all my might? I remember a verse I memorized as a child: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol (the place of the dead), where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:8-11AV). Am I ready to quit as soon as a hot wind of adversity blows, or bugs of gossipers attack? Am I strong enough to resist when Satan tempts me with a disease of sin?
Even if I come under attack like a z-veggie covered with squash bugs or nearly destroyed because of blight, I can gain victory with a few sprays of the Word and the Holy Ghost's cleansing, healing power--and be victorious!
Nutritionists believe zucchini is almost like a multi-vitamin, with vitamins, minerals, antioxidents, fiber, all poured into that amazing green container (the skin) high in beta carotene—and low calorie!
Filled with God’s wisdom and the Holy Spirit we also can uplift others.
Yes!  The lowly zucchini is a model for us all.

© Ada Brownell 2012

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