Thursday, May 23, 2019

Answers to chapter 1 quiz about the future

Excerpted from Imagine the Future You by Ada Brownell

Chapter One answers

1.     Answer the question truthfully and meditate on why you do or don’t think of the future.

2.     Allow yourself to dream great dreams while you ponder this question.

3.     Keep this list of dreams in your diary or your Bible where you can look at it occasionally.

4.     Write down your ideas.

5.     Both are important, but people with great talent who don’t dream or desire to polish and use what they have often have less success than those without much talent.

6.     Fulfilling dreams usually has little to do with luck, but it doesn’t hurt to know people who can help you succeed.

7.     Our decisions affect our future because we can’t achieve anything without working toward a goal.

8.     Yes. Because they once they become a part of us they’ll probably be with us all our lives.

9.     Because they assist us in reaching goals. Even though being on time at school doesn’t seem like a big deal, an “on-time” habit will help in everything we do.

10.  Poor people from dysfunctional homes achieved great things all through history.

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