Thursday, January 24, 2013


1. Make a plan. Write a list of things you hope will be in your future, as well as character traits and abilities you would like to have.
2. Research what it will take to accomplish your dreams. Find how others achieved similar goals.
3. Assume responsibility for your future.
4. Work on your character. Discipline yourself to learning something new at least once a week, loving someone who irritates you, and doing jobs you hate. Avoid Satan’s traps and pray for the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace mentioned in Galatians 5.
5. Enlarge your territory by reaching out to people, volunteering in things you enjoy, and trying activities for which you might have talent to pursue.
6. Spend time every day reading the Bible, especially the New Testament and Proverbs, talking to God and seeking His will for your life.
7. Set realistic deadlines to accomplish some of your goals.
8. Monitor your success.
9. Don’t wait for perfect circumstances.
10. Have faith. Believe in yourself and the One who loved you before you were born and has a plan for your life (Psalm 139: 16).
© Copyright Jan. 2013 Ada Brownell

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